If you’re interested in understanding:
•  Economic structures in agriculture,
•  Crops grown in the region,
•  Agricultural technology used in the fields,
•  The role of digitization in agriculture

– join us on February 29 and March 1, 2024, to have these and other questions answered, discussed, and experienced in practice.

The two-day training will take place at Agravis Technik and Hofgut Erpenbeck in Ladbergen. It is designed for employees of your company with little or no agricultural knowledge, individuals with or without academic backgrounds, and experts from various fields such as administration, human resources, technology, IT, etc.

For more information, please contact Alexia Lescow: Mobile +49 176 101 559 67 || Email: lescow@agrotech-valley.de

Find the program of the training here.

Registration for Pilot Module ‘Basics of Agriculture for Non-Farmers.’