The European Union now offers two online questionnaires primarily aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises to help determine their digital maturity level and identify areas where there is room for improvement. Both questionnaires are free of charge, and can be used anonymously:

1. Digital Speed Test: Assessing your “digital speed”

Is your company ready to navigate the constantly changing digital landscape and achieve greater success? The European Union aims to help you plan your digital journey and accelerate your transformation into the digital age with the Digital Speed Test. Join us on this adventure that will show you how fast you are moving digitally and guide you to your desired destination! 

Click here to access the Digital Speed Test.   

2. Open DMAT (Digital Maturity Assessment Tool): Assessing your “digital maturity”

Is your company in the process of digitalization? Would you like to understand your strengths and weaknesses regarding digital maturity? If you have already completed the “Digital Speed Test,” the “Open Digital Maturity Assessment Tool” can provide additional feedback to advance your digital transformation. The Open DMAT is designed for all companies wishing to conduct a comprehensive self-assessment. It uses the same questions as the Digital Maturity Assessment used by the EDIHs, but it only provides results specific to your company without comparison to others. For a complete understanding of the results, please contact the CITAH team!

Click here to access the online “Digital Maturity Assessment”.